

the girl in the striking blue dress

Friday, October 16, 2009

lushae jewellery has a competition you can enter here :)
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i was sent this gorgeous vintage dress from CovertCandy vintage shop i love the patterns on it, and the dress so much i thought i'd do ANOTHER outfit post!
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i like this photo
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back of the dress. its beautiful. <3 Image and video hosting by TinyPic
i love this dress.
and before you all ask yes that is my natural hair, curly :)
visit the website and find other gorgeous vintage bargains here


jane st. clair said...

wow! i love that dress, and it looks great on you!
little violet dress

patryszja said...

that dress is super cute! and i love first photo, too! it's lovely!

daisychain said...


daisychain said...

Also, I know you posted about covert candy before, they e-mailed me the other day but I cant for the life of me find the e-mail so cant reply,
don't suppose you could drop me a line with the contact details?!

I'll be forever grateful =)

Anonymous said...

Great pics!

Kate said...

i love the dress and your hair is amazing!

Phoebe Rose said...

thanks for becoming a follower :) made my day! Gorgeous dress!

Liya said...


and i have added you to my blog roll :):)

cupcake♥trash said...

the colors are gorgeous on that dress. It looks pretty with your dark hair.

Anonymous said...

hey dear...thanks for the comment.
like your blog!!

Anonymous said...

I love this dress !!

eva said...

Ann demeulemeester lace up boots for sale!~ come an d take a look.

Unknown said...

a link exchange would be lovely. you're sooooooooo pretty, girl! absolutely stunning.

LAYNE said...

wow. i love love love the dress and ur curly hair!

How do u get ur pics to be soo cool and whited out?!

Neon Gold said...

great blog!
you are pretty:)

Priscilla said...

the dress is beautiful!

Anonymous said...

nice layout & blog :)
thanku for ur comment.. but i dont understand the last one.. no problem .. i think u used the google translator right? hav a nice day my dear !

Francheska L said...

amazingggg dress!!!

TerrorFashion said...

Hey becca thanks for ur message! I follow your blog now its amazing!

love, Paula

brooke said...

I adore this dress, it looks amazing on you - and yes, I get those sorts of emails as well! sorry for the late reply, thanks for the comment :)

your hair is gorgeous naturally =]


meraldia said...

This is a fabulous dress, WOW!

Annie said...

i love the dress.
it has an amazing pattern!

love annie <3

Taylor Sterling said...

that dress is awesome! I love it!!

erika sorocco said...

Ooh, that dress is pretty, pretty. Loving the color! :)

Hayley said...

I'm sorry! I'm back now, just moved up to Uni so my last few weeks have been very hectic!!

I love these photos, I do not know where to start. The dress is beautiful, the colour looks stunning on you and I absolutely love the cut.
And your hair! That is it naturally! You are so lucky! It is gorgeous! I would give anything to have naturally curly hair!
I am going to have to check out that website, unfortunately, as a student I do have little cash ):
I also love how my word verification for this post is "dressers". Might just be me, but I thought it was cool in a way!


Mel D. said...

such a cute dress!

Anonymous said...

I love your curls they are gorgeous!!!

C A said...

Have yourself a Maison Chaplin fashionable weekend!

MAISON CHAPLIN, the internationally recognized most stylish and glam fashion blog by some fashion houses! @ Custo Barcelona ad campaign

Angela said...

i like the style and the drape.

Valeriesoh said...

I think your dress is absolutely adorable! I love your hair, always been more of a hair person but that curling action you have going on is sooo hard to replicate!!!

muahhhhhhhh stay beautiful!

Lisa & Cathy said...

the print is amazing and so is the design

glee said...

wow, i love your dress a lot. it stood out perfectly with the black stockings. envious here ;)

Unknown said...

what a stunning dress. i love the pattern detailing...and the color

michelle_ said...

such gorgeous curls you have !!!

Jess said...

That dress is gorgeous!!!

Emily (YayLife) said...

hey! thanks for commenting my blog. (: i really like yours. Your fashion ideas are great. I noticed that you're from England? I love English accents so much. I'd really like to go to England someday. So fun.

Take care.
<3 Emily

erin said...

i love that dress and the colour looks soso great on you! :)

OMR said...

I love the floral print dress in the collage !

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