But recently browsing online I find her more and more inspiring, how she's so daring and confident and just genuinely how gorgeous she looks in each photo!
Beyonce is living proof that you can look great, no matter what you wear.
What do you think of Beyonce?
Love her, shes so talented :-) x
I was dubious but her glasto performance is ahmazingg!!
her performance was absolutely amazing and i love her and i want to be her, ahhh she was so good!
haha hope you had a good day :)
her performance was AMAZING.
shes such a beaut!
LOVE her. i did a post about her tonight too! LOVE your blog too http://lucylocketinyourpocket.blogspot.com/
LOVE her. i did a post about her tonight too! LOVE your blog too http://lucylocketinyourpocket.blogspot.com/
She is sooooo epic! Love her long time,
She has evolved so beautifuly..
Great post
I just followed you with the google thingy!
hope you follow me back!!
check out my blog to!!..
I love that she's not stick thin but still looks bloody brilliant in everything!
I never really cared for her that much. It's not that I disliked her, I just didn't really care either way. But tonight I saw her performance at the Glastonbury festival and she was amazing! I'm starting to become obsessed with her now. She has such an amazing sense of style too!
She looks amazing! I wish I could have voluptious hair like hers
OMG look at the shoes she was wearing in pic 2. Must be painful. They look gorgeous though.
I love her hair in pic 3!
beyonce was fab last night, but, sadly, it wasn't my fave performance.... *sigh*....
She really does run the world!
She is so fabulous! A true beauty! XXX
Beyonce is amazing! Lovely blog :) xx
Ahhh, LOVE beyonce!!!!!!
beyonce's amazing, there's not much else to say xxx
These pictures are awesome :)
i LOVE her, i am a big fan, she is just so amazing <3
Soooo "crazy in love" with Beyonce, who couldn't be?
i love b her body is so beautiful she is so voluptious!!
thanks for posting reminds me to be proud of my voluptious figure! lol
I'm gonna do a Beyonce post too! She's running it right now :)
Thanks for your nice blog
Really want to go! But too much Uni Work
Really want to go! But too much Uni Work
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