My 5 year old sister turned on a music channel yesterday, and was whipping her afro back and forth to the song!
You can watch her iconic video here:
Being the daughter of mega movie star Will Smith, Willow Smith is immediately going to grab the limelight which no other ten year old would have, some people see Willow Smith as a money making project by her parents, but even so won't this fund her education/university fees and future housing making all this money so young?
But is this wrecking her childhood? Being so busy all the time, promoting her new single, no time to just 'hang out' with friends? what do you think?
But as for the 'fashion' side of things. I think Willow is phenominal. She changes her hair style in each photo you ever see of her. I love how she wears such contrasting clothing and makes it all look so good. (As you'll see in her video if you watch it!)
She's obviously taken inspiration from Rihanna, but what do you think of Willow Smith? Do you love her or hate her? Have you whipped your hair back n forth?
To be honest we all wish we were as cool as her at 10 years old!
She is doing very well for somebody so young but I don't doubt she has a lot of help and advisors. I don't really like any of the outfits in these pics though!
love her! so amazing for such a young kid!
Although I've yet to whip my hair back and forth she's an adorable little girl!
I think Rihanna is taking inspiration from hers...
I think she is going too fast. I think children should not be so exposed to media when they are that young, and their parents should protect her (as far as they know the world she is going into to).
Anyway, let's see what happens with her. Maybe, as far as she has been exposed since she's a baby, she is really prepared to handle the fame and she does not fail where others did.
hmmm, i think she's done so well... my only fear is that something might go wrong for her, like with other child stars. but she's amazing!
Olivia x
she's so darned cute. it can't be her choosing what she wears though, can it? nah, there's no way. xx
I totally want to whip my hair now, too. I don't know... how will she be when she's 40, maybe she'll live her childhood then?
I think she is super adorable! And she def. has her own style (but i'm sure she has a personal stylist to help her out). But I think it's so great that at such a young age she has a style point of view already. Plus she is going to be one beautiful woman (i mean look at her momma and dad...they themselves are two beautiful people).
She has such sophisticated and great style for her age! It's amazing! Even if she does have people helping her, she can seriously pull it off
I love her style, but I think she's too young, she should be doing other kinda things, but that's just my opinion (:
Thanks for your comment :).
I don't think that all this publicity will do her any harm. Of course there are many child stars who went wrong - Lindsay Lohan for example but then there are girls like Dakota Fanning who is now 17 and still lovely!
With the help of her daddy, I hope she doesn't go downhill - it's not like she is splashed over the cover of every magazine - she should stay that way!
I love her style, I never thought I would be jealous of a 10 year old's clothes! I love Willow and her song! Love this post!
She looks cool but she's too young for me to take seriously. She should have stayed a 'kid' for longer
She is the spitting image of her father, isn't she? She's a cute little girl. The one thing that I worry about is how the next single will go in comparison to the current one. Whip My Hair was such an instant hit (you have to admit, even if you don't like it, it will be stuck in your head) that I'm worried how she will handle it if the next song doesn't do so well. I'm not saying she's a brat, or that her parents aren't good parents, it's just that she is only ten years old and perhaps not mature enough to handle it. I don't know, I just hope that she does well :)
I think she is a supercool kid. I love her quirky style, who cares if she is only ten, i loved dressing up and doing my hair crazy when I was a kid! It was always going to be tough for her being in the spotlight but who are we to judge?
FB xx
PS I've been whipping my hair since before she was born....
At that age! I defiantly think she has style!!
Her style is very unique.
Her style isn't really to my taste. I do admire her, but she's so obviously styled and she's way too young to be a real fashion icon.
wow i didnt know she was a singing! this is a fab song ans she sure got style!
Blending Style, Celebs and Fashion
I must agree about Willow's fashion sense...she definitely knows how to pair her outfits well! She is also pretty talented in my opinion, but I do feel like this is a really big deal for such a young girl. I hope her parents are teaching her how to deal with the press and media maturely and in a way that will present her as a role model, not like some of the other young stars who have gone bad due to fame.
She is way too cool for school. I have to admit...she annoys me!! I know she is only ten and all, but.....
She's lovely but I fear her well-being. Child stardom can really change a person, no matter how involved or protective her parents are.
I admire her unique sense of style very much! A little too out there for me, but I love that she is comfortable doing it at such a young age when most people try to just blend in!
She's adorable, but I think she's just too young for all of this attention.
xo Josie
Love Willow'S Style. She is so talented.:)
Wish I was as cool as her at 10? I wish I was as cool as her now, at 20! I love little Willow's style, I think its sort of inspiration for younger girls. She wears what she loves and rocks it, not caring what other people think. Its fabulous.
I LOVE WILLOW.. and yes, yes I have whipped my hair back and forth.
well i think its fun to start doing something you love since your young age.. but the question is she really love doing it?
n yes its so obvious Rihanna is her inspiration, but i like her fashion experiment.
She is too cute and I have to be honest I have become a fan.
No doubt that she is inspired by Rihanna, but I think she's cool! I wish I'd Iooked like that when I was ten. :)
wow i was not aware that she had such a unique style. to be honest i don't know what i think though :p
<3 mvv
Expedition of a Modern Viking Vixen
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i absolutely adore her!
I love her and jaden i think they are both soo individual!
She's amzing in my eyes!
Love Emily, xx
I think it's great that there's no limits to how he dresses! Big plus for the parents there!
juliet xxx
changed my blog name!
Love Emily, xx
I think Will Smith has more than enough money to fund her entire life and probably her children's lives.
She does look great, but to me she looks like a little girl playing dress up as Rihanna, whose stylist is also Willow's stylist...
can't get over how YOUNG she is! and she has the same stylist as Rhianna of course!
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Willows first single was fine, let's see what she'll show us next time :)
I was such a uncool 10 yr old, it's a wonder why my parents let me out of the front door! Not knowing the other side of the story, I'd say that Willow is incredibly lucky to grow up in an environment like that. I'm insanely jealous :P
I'm not sure about her.. She looks cool and it's great for her she's doing so well, but I don't know if it's good for a ten years old to live like her.
Really love her style! Her songs amazing and I hope she has an amazing career!xxxxx
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i think she's done so well...beautiful hair and stylish 2. Etnies Shoes Looking So Beautiful.
I think she's just being a kid really, what she should be! No doubt people tell her what to wear, but I wouldn't start calling her an icon just yet, I think she's just having fun x
Oh and I LOVE whip my hair!
i love her song but no...i do NOT think she has style! she is uber cute and i think she needs to embrace the fact that she's young a bit more...but shes trying too hard i think. too many looks all at once :s
love it or hate it this girl seems fearless, and that's what i admire
This girl is amazing !
Willow smith is amazing, I think that she is definitely a young rihanna, please visit my new beauty blog
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