

Fashion Icon: Florence Welch

Monday, October 25, 2010

Another fashion icon: Florence Welch!
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I really love her music and her style is sensational! I love all these outfits!
What do you think of her style? Do you think she's to 'out there'? Do you think she is bang on trend?
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Wendy Lu said...

Her red hair is simply stunning! Love that hair piece she is adorning in one of the photos. Great sense of style!


Naddy Sane said...

everything about her is stunning, she always sounds beautiful and looks amazing..I adore her.

nad xx

Unknown said...

I really love there music.

Heather Cavanaugh said...

I love her and her music!!! She is def. not to far out there. I think she's more sane then Lady Gaga is. If people can dub Lady Gaga their fashion icon I think Florence will be just fine

Life At Victoria House said...

I love her look, her hair and especially her music! If i could pull off all of her adventurous looks then i would love it!!
Great post :)
Hope you're well sweetie! Long time no speak!! <3

Serina said...

I love her style, and I don't think you necessarily need to be 'on trend' to be fashionable!

Anonymous said...

Great pics love everything about them :)

daniela kate morosini said...

i love florence, she is so fearless x

Anonymous said...

I always look forward to seeing what she's wearing. I think some of her performance outfits are a bit out there (unitard anyone?) but I especially love the outfits she was spotted in at this summer's festivals and when she's snapped on red carpets.
Being a fellow redhead, I take huge inspiration from her colour palette!

Anonymous said...

I love her style! It's out there, but it's the good kind of out there. the kind of out there I want to be. all her personality is in her bright red hair.

Cherry said...

She has great style, I love the little photo in the bottom right corner.

mytruedesires said...

Yeah I like her style too. Where do you make your collages? There great! xx

Rachel said...

I love Florence and the Machine! I saw her live and she has mad style and dance moves even on stage

Catarina said...

Love her! Her style is amazing and her hair is to die for!

Leah said...

awesome blog.
please follow my blog!

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i reach 20 followers (:

OMR said...

i love the pattern of the dress! cute post!

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