

Advice: Dealing With Hair Loss & Tips To Help Your Hair Grow

Sunday, August 23, 2015

(photos pre opperation 2012-2013)
This is a topic that's affected me for the past 2 years everyday. I don't know why i've never written about it on my blog. It's something I was embarrassed about for so long and i'd always wake up thinking why is this happening to me?! Before I had my thyroid surgery I had glossy, lovely long hair and since my surgery two years ago my haircare routine changed forever.
(photos after my operation 2013)

In December 2012 I had my thyroid gland removed as there was several tumours inside it and since this operation I've been on life long medication. One of the symptoms I've suffered (still do suffer) from is hair loss. If you read about hypothyroidism online a symptom is hair loss or dry/brittle damaged hair. I was unfortunate enough to have this. I've gone from someone who loves their hair to someone who was scared of even touching it in case it fell out. I'm writing this post today because there is hope for those of you going through a similar thing and I thought I'd share my tips with you all.
(photos from now 2015 and having healthy hair again!!)
Once I had my surgery and began the recovery process I noticed my hair become much dryer and brittle and broke off really easily. Since I was about 12/13 years olds I've always straightened my hair and so this I knew was down to my surgery. Over the months my hair came out in clumps in the shower and when I brushed it and it got to the point that I was scared to brush my hair. I knew I had to do something about it. I went through various stages, I dyed my hair to make myself feel better and give my hair a new lease of life (but this ended up making it worse) and in the end I felt so down about my hair loss that I started wearing hair extensions.
Hair extensions gave me a new wave of confidence, something I hadn't felt in so long and it felt great. For nights out with my friends, blog posts and events I wore hair extensions. It really hard to go from long hair to short hair and it made me feel normal again!
It's only in the past year I've become more confident not wearing hair extensions and that I have really made an effort to help my hair get better and become nourished and healthy again. In the past few months my hair has been better than ever and that's down to using Lee Stafford's Hair Growth Treatment. I use the matching shampoo in the range and then use this hair growth treatment while I'm in the shower and use a bit of conditioner on the ends and this treatment has saved my hair. 
If you try out this treatment don't expect your hair to begin growing over night but in the past month or so (after about 2 months of using it) I've noticed really good results. I've gone from having comments about people saying how dry my hair looks to my friends and boyfriend telling me how great my hair looks! It's expensive to keep on using the product as it's £8.49 a tub (aah!) but it's 100% worth it and I make sure I pick up a few when It's on offer! (thank goodness for Boots points!)
Other tips to help save your hair are...
1. Have regular hair cuts - This sounds mad considering I've been talking about hair loss but it really helps. Now I'm trying to remember to book myself in for a hair cut at least every 2 months to help keep my dead ends at bay and in the past few months my hair has actually grown for the first time in years and it's noticeable!

2. Don't use heat as much on your hair - This is something I need to stick to more of as It's so easy to straighten your hair every day. I've cut down straightening my hair when I don't necessarily need to and this has really helped.

3. Use GOOD Heat Protectant - For years I've used VO5 and relatively cheaper products as heat protectants and this doesn't work best on dry hair. I've found that this Lee Stafford Flat Iron Spray is a really good one to use. I currently use the Toni and Guy one on my hair and this works so well!

4. When shopping for shampoo and conditioner make sure it's nourishing and hydrating - This is a tip i've learnt from my hairdresser and it's worked so well. I love using the Lee Stafford range but also the Umberto Gianni range is perfect for dry/damaged hair which needs so extra TLC!

5. Invest in a nourishing oil - I know a lot of people swear by the Moroccan Oil nourishing treatments but I've found this doesn't work too well for me. Nourishing oils I'd recommend using are the Lee Stafford Argon OilKerastase Elixir Ultime and L'Oreal Paris Elvive Extraordinary Oil.

6. Visit the salon regularly for hair treatment and advice - there’s nothing quite like a visit to the salon for great advice on the latest products that’ll suit your hair type best. With salon software and other innovations, these visits are less bothersome than usual too. There’s no excuse not to stay in touch with your stylist.

What are your tips for hair loss? Have you had a problem with dry hair? Any products you would recommend using?

photo xoxo_zpsef0b558b.jpg


Rhiannon said...

I had no idea you were going through this! You hair looks so healthy and lovely :) My hair is definitely on the thicker side, so I find the Lee Stafford products help calm my frizz and prevent heat damage! x

Everything But The Kitchen Sink

Anonymous said...

Ahhh girl! Hair loss is definitely something that isn't spoken about enough, especially amongst younger women. Major kudos to you for not only putting your story out there but suggesting ways for other women to combat it. You've been talented, sassy and beautiful throughout AND IF UR HAIR WANTS TO GO ELSEWHERE THEN FUCK IT U'LL GROW NEW HAIR THAT'S BETTER AND NICER. Sending you big love girl <333333

Unknown said...

After giving birth my hair is lifeless, flat and greasy! Great combo! At the moment I have opted for extensions (weave) but they have been in 4 months and next time I'll have them removed and made into clip ins. I will try the growth treatment when they are out to give me more confidence day to day.

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