2. You're going to spend the rest of your life in debt - While you are young you don't have that much debt. A phone bill, car insurance and maybe a year or two of university. You may aswell borrow what you can, bite the bullet and pack your life away for a while and explore the world!
3. You learn so much about yourself - If you decide to travel alone it's a whole different experience from travelling with friends and family. You'll figure out what makes you happy, what drives you, what inspires you without having to worry about doing what the other person wants to do as the only person you have to impress is yourself!
4. You have the energy - Well you're only young once right? Make the most of it! Bungee jump, climb that mountain do all those things you've written down on your bucket list you thought you'd never do.
5. The experience is invaluable - Have you ever thought of working abroad for a few weeks? I was lucky enough to work with one of the best marketing agencies in New Zealand this summer and I think foreign experience will always look good on your CV! Thought about volunteering? Want to teach abroad? Go for it!
What do you think about travelling? Have you travelled anywhere this summer?
EXACTLY! I went to NYC this summer because I could. I don't have the responsibilities like many people with ids, so I decided to go for a week and I loved it. It's quite an experience to go as the adult in the trip. Hopefully, I will be able to travel somewhere else soon. I loved the feeling of going to NYC and exploring. Hope to hear more about your travels and future travels!
Thank. you very much ..
I really want to go travelling. I've travelled to a few places with friends but I would love to just pack a backpack and a one way ticket. I completely agree with the points that you made! xx
I absolutely love traveling but money always seems to hold me back :(
it's great that you got to work abroad! x
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