

Life In Instagram!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I've had another busy week! I never seem to stop being so busy at the moment and there's so many exciting things happening too! (and it's also a bit stressful!) but here's my week in instagram photos!

1. Me and my friend Jenny went to town for lunch and came across these ducks! aren't they the cutest?!
2. It was a Motel Rocks Jordan Jeans and Topshop vectras day!

3. When we were in town I bought some Nerds! Love those sweets soooo much!
4. One of my outfits this week! (this top is in the new look sale at the moment!)

5. My first ever pair of Doc Martens c/o Cloggs love them!
6. Back in London again, hello Oxford Street!

7. Diana Vickers holding her favourite jumper from her new collection for
8. Claire,Charlotte, Diana Vickers and Me at Very!

9. Reunited with one of my fave girls Sophie having cheesy chips and burgers at The Diner!
10. My first experience of the first class lounge at Euston! (it was cheaper for me to travel first class madness or what!)

11. Topshop purchases when I was in Topshop with Sophie! Now slightly obsessed with these socks!
12. Wearing socks from Topshop and Own The Runway creepers! I live in these shoes right now and they are amaaazing!

I really wish I could take some outfit photos but every time I go outside it pours it down with rain! I've got an exciting post involving these gorgeous creepers coming up soon!

If you'd like to follow me on Instagram, my username is 'fashiontrain'!


Jacque said...

Nice! You got to meet Diana Vickers!

Anonymous said...

I want those socks love them :)

Char! said...

more amazing shoes! xx

Anonymous said...

glad you're rocking the socks ;)

Lucy Loves To Blog said...

Love the topshop flats, I have those little socks, I live in the cream ones.

Lucy Loves To Blog

Anonymous said...

Those socks are so cute! Love them!

Charlotte xo

Ally J said...

You always look like you have the most exciting weeks, I want your life mine is just full of revision at the Love the Doc Martins by the way :)


Nicola said...

I love those creepers! Your blog is so good, keep it up!

Meera said...

Amazing Instagram pictures! I absolutely love the application, and you use it so well! I will definitely follow you on Instagram :)


lydia_xo said...

i love your instagram photos! them socks are adoriable, i want them in all the past colours!


KarinaB said...

I absolutely love your style! Keep it up, you are an inspiration!

Karina Xo

Noree said...

I like how the pastel frilly socks go with creepers, such an odd combination, but it works!

Unknown said...

I think ye blog is super amazing! I'm following u now. I think I can get great tips from ur blog !
Hope u come by too xx, l


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