

Stripes & Leather

Monday, February 06, 2012

I love this leather jacket! It really does go with everything! I just love wearing it right now with the items of clothes i wouldn't normally wear as they clash with my coloured jackets. I've never really had a black jacket before so this leather jacket was such a good buy!
For those of you who follow me on Instagram you will have seen some of these photos a few days ago!
Leather, Leather Jacket, Stripey Top, Leggings
Leather Jacket - Topshop
Leggings - Topshop
Striped Top - Forever 21

I love this outfit as it's really easy and simple to wear for a casual day out!
leather, leather jacket, striped top, topshop, leggings, topshop leggings, blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger
leather, leather jacket, striped top, topshop, leggings, topshop leggings, blog, fashion blog, fashion blogger, studded loafers, studded vectras
Leather Jacket - Topshop
Leggings - Topshop
Striped Top - Forever 21
Studded Loafers - Linzi Shoes

Another thing I love about this outfit is I've finally bought a pair of studded loafers! Mine are from Linzi Shoes.
studded loafers, studded vectras, studded shoes, linzi shoes

I absolutely love these shoes! They are faux suede and fit so well! They are stunning and I've had so so many compliments about them! At only £25 their a bargain too!

What do you think of studded shoes? Have you got a pair?

Also congratulations to Madeline from who won the Dixi Jewellery competition!


Diane said...

totally in love with that leather jacket. i NEED it!!!

Lydia said...

so pretty. your hair is such a lovely colour! x

Nicola said...

I really love the shoes and leather jacket!

Ria said...

Love a good leather jacket, you're so right they go with everything! xoxo

Just Another Shopaholic said...

I love the shoes!!

lucy jarvis said...

love the outfit! simple and cute!

pearl blossoms said...

hey becca! just wondering what kind of outfits you would wear with the loafers?xx

maphi bayolo said...

cute outfit , eeeehhhhh those are the shoes that i want :D xoxo

Laura said...

Gorgeous leather jacket, I've had mine for ages now and really need to get a new one. Those shoes are also gorg x

Nicole said...

Those shoes are so cute! I love your blog!

NaNa said...

ooh those studded loafers are so cool. i'm seriously having a massive loafers craze atm, because i've been eyeing a leopard print pair for a while. they would go with everything! loafers are such an easy way to look good. :)

Love from the NaNa girls x

The Little Magpie said...

That jacket's gorgeous, as are the loafers! Your hair's such a beautiful colour xx

Mymymode said...

Love the flats ! i need ones just like yours :)

Anonymous said...

Love this jacket on you xo

RadkoAleks said...

Awesome, good work. This is nice blog guys link building service.

Aqeelah Harron said...

obsessed with those studded loafers!

Unknown said...

I love these pics! You look amazing in Blue ; ) Thanks For Sharing us.
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Claudia Kitten said...

Love your jacket! Your blog is great I'm now following you.
Claudia xxx

Schnappy said...

Oh, I love your coat! Sweet shoes!:)

Fashion Means Everything said...

OHHHHHHHHH i love your shoes & your coat

Me and Moustaches said...

I think I need a leather jacket, goes with everything! Thanks for your comment Becca, thought I would reply here as the reply thing doesn't notify you of a reply :) I think I have decided against it, I kind of want to go because so many people say it's amazing! But I wouldn't know what to study, how has applying and everything gone for you? :) xxx

- ME - Fashion Blog said...

wow i love the studded shoes!!!! Would you consider following each other?? :)


alcan peter said...

Wow! This is called style statement. I love this footwear. Leather stuff is excellent. Its just a fine matching.
rc helicopter

Anonymous said...

They are faux suede and fit so well. Gorgeous leather jacket, I had mine for ages now and really need to get a new one.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your nice blog
your collection is really great

Kelan Willis said...

I really like this black shoes and this leather jacket is too good. You are looking very gorgeous. It is one of the best fashion in the year.

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