

What I Wore To College: Day Four

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Today I've gone for 'casual cool' waking up late, I had to put a hoody on! I suppose this could be a looking stylish when getting ready in 10 minutes look....
I put on my winter patterned leggings, I love these!
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Hoody - 2 for £50 @ Republic (£35 each), Leggings - £12 - Desire Clothing

I suppose most of my English readers owns this hoody In at least one colour, as these soul cal Republic ones are really popular! I bought a couple last week as a treat as there's those days when you just want to put a hoody on and not make the most amount of effort possible!

But Back to these gorgeous wintery leggings from Desire Clothing, At £12 they are one of my favourite pairs, they are very warm and go with pretty much every top/cardigan so you can wear them all the time! I'll be wearing these a lot more, they are fab!

And I can guess you know what shoes i'm wearing!

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Yes it's these gorgeous boots again! Sorry for featuring them again this week, but this is exactly what i've worn to college today. These are my favourite shoes right now, and they go with pretty much everything I own, these were a very good investment at £25 from Linzi Shoes!

Total Outfit Cost = £72

It's not an overly expensive outfit, but it's not my cheapest. But in my opinion it's worth spending that little bit extra if you know your going to wear the item a lot!

What do you think of this outfit? Are you inspired? Are you loving the winter leggings?

made by Becca @


k said...

those pants rock, for sure :)

Unknown said...

LOVE the leggings, especially matched with those boots! :)


Anonymous said...

cute leggings.

Rebecca said...

cute leggings. Hope it wasn't to cold. Wonder if harem trousers in that pattern would look nice

Åženay said...

I like your leggings and shoes so much!<3

Hannah said...

adore those leggings =)

Hannah xx

The Rumor of Love . said...

i am DEFINITELY loving the leggings and the shoes are TO DIE FOR . i love bringing in brown/chestnut into outfits that have black and white ; it adds a nice effect . cute outfit !

are you going to do this for every day of the semester? lol .


Violet said...

oh those leggings look so warm if i got my hands on pair i would wear them every chance I got.

Vi from Cali

Rachella - said...

the leggings are perfection!

mia said...

Those leggings are beautiful! And a bargain at that price as well!

Loes said...

i love those leggings!

not a girl not yet a woman! said...

Cutie pie!

M said...

everyday you look so stylish! i bet all the girls are jealous :P


Phuong said...

i love the shoes!

We Are The Crowd said...

i love those leggings!

Mollie from :)

accessoryqueen! said...

i love your boots! they are lovely!
Nat xo

India said...

Love the leggings

Cherry said...

That looks like a really comfy outfit!

Hannah said...

your hoodie and leggings are gorgeeexxx

Jo Blogs Fashion said...

I love your sense of style and having just started up a blog myself its lovely to see someone with such a natural laid back style :) x

S.P. said...

I love those shoes! I've never heard of Linzi shoes before, but I'll be checking their site more often.

Anonymous said...

I love this blog
This is really helpfull for me
Thank you

OMR said...

I am in LOVE with this entire outfit!

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