

Back to basics?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A few days ago I purchased this top from Asos
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And at £10 I never realised how practical plain tops can be if they are of better quality than the typical (£3 sale bargain plain top) especially in different colours and not just plain white or black. So I chose 'mink' for the colour of this top, but now I have it I might get it in navy and white too!
These sort of tops are ideal with leggings and a cardigan and can be worn for daywear or with a nice skirt and heels for a night out. A top worn for day and night only £10. It's a bargain.
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Back view of the top - As you can see it's perfect to be worn with leggings!
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I'm wearing the top with this elephant necklace (its got a clock inside if you open it up) from Funk Rock check out the banner at the top and you can get 20% off too!
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Do you have that perfect vest you just wear all the time which was a bit more expensive than usual?

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Check out my new blog by clicking the banner at the top of my page, or the one above ^

So I bet your thinking why did she start another blog?!
I started it because, people are forever asking me where my clothes are from at such good prices, and how do i find such gorgeous items on online stores! So I started the blog to help you all find bargains too. It'll have daily posts about the cheap online bargains I love right now & advertise to you all the latest fashion codes and best codes around!

Please check it out and tell me what you think, and maybe even become a follower?

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Anonymous said...

Super cute top! love the necklace with it!

Miss Neira

Life At Victoria House said...

SUCH a good idea :)
Love it!!
Just quickly, what's your favourite online store?? Because I need to get onto it :)

Life At Victoria House said...

Silly girl!! I DID invite you :)
You said you were away!!!!
You could have come :)

Unknown said...


Designer sunglasses giveaway!!

Anonymous said...

Love the top, you look so cute

teresweetstyle said...

wow! i really love your outfit and the top you purchased in Asos! i haven't bought anything there yet, but i like this store very much!

kisses darling! :P

Francesca said...

basics are so essential! this one looks like a great buy! ♥

SoaneHonor said...

what a cool top! and for such a good price, too.
i agree with you such tops are ideal with leggings.
beautiful elephant necklace!
and thanks for making another blog, on which i can see where you get all your amazing clothes from!


Couture Carrie said...

Cute top, darling!
Congrats on the new blog ~ can't wait to check it out!


Unknown said...

Lovely top and necklace. I am sorry for the misunderstanding.
Love your blog.

Anonymous said...

love that top! i want one too:)

j3nhow said...

lovely blog!!! and love ur tribal maxi in previous post!!! ure so stylish!

check out my blog when uve got some time and join my giveaway to win some jewellery goodies!

xoxo jenna

Bohemian said...

Cute outfit, Love your blog and would love to swap links!

Indigo said...

love it. Awesome new blogx

Indigo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Denisa L said...

such a cute outfit!
gonna check out your other blog asap!

X'tian Ou said...

love the basics, they're always the way to go! I came across your blog by random, and I really enjoy reading it, keep it up! Def a follower :)

Rebecca said...

i definitely need to purchase more basics, american apparel are quite good for that kind of thing (:

Heather said...

That's a great idea to start a bargain blog. Bargain huntin' has become my obsession. :)

Abigail Oliveros said...

your outfit looks so cute and i really like the necklace. you're a very adorable girl

xoxo abigail

The October Issue said...

Simple yet lovely outfit!

Anonymous said...

Great idea for your new blog.
Love your outfit and the necklace.

Siru said...

I love tops like that -there are never too many! Your blog is really beautiful! Would you like to exchange links with me?

juliet xxx

Jonathon Pedrozo said...

aww so u created a new blog! wow that's greaat :)) im so happy that u liked my outfit from yesterday!


Anonymous said...

it looks gorgeus with leggins. Less is more, right? And your look is beautiful!
I'm following you


fashion provocateur said...

cute and simple what a great outfit! love your blog

Jamie-Lee Burns said...

nice simple outfit - love it x

o said...

i love ur new top! i love the color, as well:) hope ure having a good weekend!

Unknown said...

Your style is so unique! I saw these women's shoes and couldn't help but thinking of you!!

Anonymous said...

Plain tops are the best - they go so well with everything. Keep it up the amazing blogging, cutie! :)

Luna Love said...

Great look!
it's effortlessly chic.
oh, & I've linked you on my blog.


Bexs said...

love this post! its so great, i always wait for update's from you :) anyone got twitter? follow me: BexsLEGEND. ill follow you back xo

glee said...

that a very nice top. cool and refreshing :)

Join our giveaway to win a fabulous dress. :)

eesa said...

totally agree! practical plain tops are definitely underrated.xx

Anonymous said...

Follow us and we'll follow YOU!!

HiFashion said...

Love the top. Basics are definitely really easy to wear! I also love the necklace.

Karoline said...

I love this top, simple and pretty!

Anonymous said...

I love basic tops! you can combine so much with it! great post! Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment!

Closet Fashionista said...

Ooh I love that top!! And the necklace! :D

Anonymous said...

Faand the good article certainly made this segment amazing.Keep it up!Thanks a lot....

happyscinating stuff.....Good pictures

LadyBugSays ... said...

Love the colour of that top!

Wendy Lu said...

What I love about plain tops is how you can use stunning accessories to make them not-so-plain! :) This top is perfect for just that.


Style Souk said...

I love the easy insouciance of this...

You look completely (and enviably!) gorgeous. :0)

Sarah x

P.S: Thank you for leaving such a lovely comment on my blog.

Like a wicked 'Spending Fiary', I'm here to encourage you to buy the YSL nail polish - it's beyond lush!

Anonymous said...

I totally agree about basics! I found myself buying so many basic pieces just the other day and I felt bad I didnt get anything really different..but with basics you can play them up or down and they work with everything!!

OMR said...

Many Many Thanks for your nice and reliable blog

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