

A new approach to fashion blogging.

Friday, November 20, 2009

Okay, you've always seen my fashion collages done on the computer, but i love cutting images out of magazines too. The pictures are from various weekly English glossy magazines.
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Some of my latest inspiration. Georgia-May Jagger the new Bridgette Bardot, Jade Ewen,Cheryl Cole's performance outfits and some pretty shoes!


Kathryn Sutton said...

I do this too, I have scrapbooks filled with all sorts of inspirational photos that I've cut out of magazines etc.


Cherry said...

I'm in two minds about the Cheryl performance outfit, the jacket is very cool but the trousers..not so much

erika sorocco said...

Spotted...Brigitte Bardot. Love. Her. Fabulous collage, darling! :) said...

nice collage!

Anonymous said...

beautiful! i love alll your old posts, especially some of your features! i definately think alexa chung is style icon of the 21st century, and as is those gg stars! im so jealous of blake lively, shes so beautiful:)

talk soon !

Francesca Robertson said...

way cool! you have a good eye!

F <-- two girls blogging fashion from nyc and chicago!

roxanne said...

great collage, those oxfords are perfect! and i'd love to link swap, dear. putting your link up right now!

Virginia de la Reynares said...

The inspirations are great, I so so sooooooo love those shoes!

Christina said...

I should definitely do the same! :) I just cut things out and never put them anywhere.


Posh said...

Amazing collage, love it! <3

Tights Lover said...

Great collage, I like that theyre all cut from mags!

E said...

I love all these tough ladies! What a wonderful collage!

Anonymous said...

I do this too ! all the time. I should maybe post some of mine too ;)

Anonymous said...

I love collages! This one is awesome!!


I V Y said...

oh i love it all!

Becky said...

I do this too! Love the outfit with the sequin dress and chunky scarf.

Carmen said...

I love what Jade Ewan is wearing.

Thanks for visiting my blog!


English Rose ♥ said...

great collage - i love cutting up magazines too - i stick them in scrapbooks, on folders and on my door

raita 2 said...

oh i love those black high-heels! =)

Heini said...

Gorgeous! You should do these in the future too.

Nina said...

Hey Becca! You have an amazing Blog I love and Bridgitte Bardot too :)
Check out mine, I started recently but hope people will start following: Nonchalant
Nina <3

bibi said...

i like your collage:)

Trịnh Tuyết-Trinh said...

I really like your blog, is it oke that i've put your link on my blog?!

much love xx

Brooke said...

Amazing inspiration. All great style.

ediot said...

i love brigitte bardots style and beauty. just magnificent

Unknown said...

Thanks for the inspiration!

prashant said...

beautiful! i love alll your old posts, especially some of your features!

Lingerie Indulgence

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